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The Quran, also romanized Qur’an or Koran, is the central religious text of Islam, believed by Muslims to be a revelation from Allah. It is organized in 114 chapters, which consist of verses. 

About Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the Holy Book or the Scriptures of the Muslims. It lays down for them the law and commandments, codes for their social and moral behavior, and contains a comprehensive religious philosophy. The language of the Quran is Arabic.

Besides its proper name, the Quran is also known by the following names: al Kitab (The Book); al Furqan (The Discrimination); al Dhikr (The Exposition); al Bayan (The Explanation); al Burhan (The Argument); al Haqq (The Truth); al Tanzil (The Revelation); al Hikmat (The Wisdom); al Huda (The Guide); al Hukm (The Judgment); al Mau’izah (The Admonition); al Rahmat (The Mercy); al-Noor (The Light); al-Rooh (The Word).

What Does The Holy Quran Contain

To the Muslims, the Quran is the Word of God and contains complete guidance for mankind. Much of the Quran is about God, His attributes and man’s relationship to Him. But it also contains directives for its followers, historical accounts of certain prophets and peoples, arguments for accepting Muhammad as a genuine Prophet and good news for the believers and warnings for the disbelievers. Broadly speaking, the contents of the Holy Quran fall into five main categories:

  • Nature of the Spiritual World
  • The Law and Commandments
  • Historical Accounts
  • The Wisdom
  • The Prophecies

Surahs And Verses

The Holy Quran is divided into 114 Surahs or Chapters and each Chapter consists of individual Ayaat or verses. 

There are in total 6,348 verses in the Holy Quran. The Surahs are of varying lengths, some consisting of a few lines while others run for many pages.

 Surah al Baqarah (Ch.2) is the longest Chapter comprising 287 verses while Surah al Kauthar (Ch. 108) is the shortest with only four verses including the tasmia.

The text of the Holy Quran has remained unchanged over the past 1400 years. And this is not strange since God says in the Holy Quran that He Himself will guard this book:

“Surely it is We Who have revealed the Exposition, and surely it is We Who are its guardians” (15:10)

The Holy Quran

The Noble Qur'an » Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) - المرسلات

وَالْمُرْسَلَاتِ عُرْفًا المرسلات [1]
By those [winds] sent forth in gusts Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [1]
فَالْعَاصِفَاتِ عَصْفًا المرسلات [2]
And the winds that blow violently Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [2]
وَالنَّاشِرَاتِ نَشْرًا المرسلات [3]
And [by] the winds that spread [clouds] Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [3]
فَالْفَارِقَاتِ فَرْقًا المرسلات [4]
And those [angels] who bring criterion Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [4]
فَالْمُلْقِيَاتِ ذِكْرًا المرسلات [5]
And those [angels] who deliver a message Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [5]
عُذْرًا أَوْ نُذْرًا المرسلات [6]
As justification or warning, Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [6]
إِنَّمَا تُوعَدُونَ لَوَاقِعٌ المرسلات [7]
Indeed, what you are promised is to occur. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [7]
فَإِذَا النُّجُومُ طُمِسَتْ المرسلات [8]
So when the stars are obliterated Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [8]
وَإِذَا السَّمَاءُ فُرِجَتْ المرسلات [9]
And when the heaven is opened Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [9]
وَإِذَا الْجِبَالُ نُسِفَتْ المرسلات [10]
And when the mountains are blown away Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [10]
وَإِذَا الرُّسُلُ أُقِّتَتْ المرسلات [11]
And when the messengers' time has come... Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [11]
لِأَيِّ يَوْمٍ أُجِّلَتْ المرسلات [12]
For what Day was it postponed? Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [12]
لِيَوْمِ الْفَصْلِ المرسلات [13]
For the Day of Judgement. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [13]
وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا يَوْمُ الْفَصْلِ المرسلات [14]
And what can make you know what is the Day of Judgement? Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [14]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [15]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [15]
أَلَمْ نُهْلِكِ الْأَوَّلِينَ المرسلات [16]
Did We not destroy the former peoples? Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [16]
ثُمَّ نُتْبِعُهُمُ الْآخِرِينَ المرسلات [17]
Then We will follow them with the later ones. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [17]
كَذَٰلِكَ نَفْعَلُ بِالْمُجْرِمِينَ المرسلات [18]
Thus do We deal with the criminals. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [18]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [19]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [19]
أَلَمْ نَخْلُقكُّم مِّن مَّاءٍ مَّهِينٍ المرسلات [20]
Did We not create you from a liquid disdained? Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [20]
فَجَعَلْنَاهُ فِي قَرَارٍ مَّكِينٍ المرسلات [21]
And We placed it in a firm lodging Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [21]
إِلَىٰ قَدَرٍ مَّعْلُومٍ المرسلات [22]
For a known extent. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [22]
فَقَدَرْنَا فَنِعْمَ الْقَادِرُونَ المرسلات [23]
And We determined [it], and excellent [are We] to determine. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [23]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [24]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [24]
أَلَمْ نَجْعَلِ الْأَرْضَ كِفَاتًا المرسلات [25]
Have We not made the earth a container Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [25]
أَحْيَاءً وَأَمْوَاتًا المرسلات [26]
Of the living and the dead? Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [26]
وَجَعَلْنَا فِيهَا رَوَاسِيَ شَامِخَاتٍ وَأَسْقَيْنَاكُم مَّاءً فُرَاتًا المرسلات [27]
And We placed therein lofty, firmly set mountains and have given you to drink sweet water. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [27]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [28]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [28]
انطَلِقُوا إِلَىٰ مَا كُنتُم بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ المرسلات [29]
[They will be told], "Proceed to that which you used to deny. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [29]
انطَلِقُوا إِلَىٰ ظِلٍّ ذِي ثَلَاثِ شُعَبٍ المرسلات [30]
Proceed to a shadow [of smoke] having three columns Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [30]
لَّا ظَلِيلٍ وَلَا يُغْنِي مِنَ اللَّهَبِ المرسلات [31]
[But having] no cool shade and availing not against the flame." Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [31]
إِنَّهَا تَرْمِي بِشَرَرٍ كَالْقَصْرِ المرسلات [32]
Indeed, it throws sparks [as huge] as a fortress, Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [32]
كَأَنَّهُ جِمَالَتٌ صُفْرٌ المرسلات [33]
As if they were yellowish [black] camels. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [33]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [34]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [34]
هَٰذَا يَوْمُ لَا يَنطِقُونَ المرسلات [35]
This is a Day they will not speak, Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [35]
وَلَا يُؤْذَنُ لَهُمْ فَيَعْتَذِرُونَ المرسلات [36]
Nor will it be permitted for them to make an excuse. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [36]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [37]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [37]
هَٰذَا يَوْمُ الْفَصْلِ ۖ جَمَعْنَاكُمْ وَالْأَوَّلِينَ المرسلات [38]
This is the Day of Judgement; We will have assembled you and the former peoples. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [38]
فَإِن كَانَ لَكُمْ كَيْدٌ فَكِيدُونِ المرسلات [39]
So if you have a plan, then plan against Me. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [39]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [40]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [40]
إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي ظِلَالٍ وَعُيُونٍ المرسلات [41]
Indeed, the righteous will be among shades and springs Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [41]
وَفَوَاكِهَ مِمَّا يَشْتَهُونَ المرسلات [42]
And fruits from whatever they desire, Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [42]
كُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا هَنِيئًا بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ المرسلات [43]
[Being told], "Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you used to do." Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [43]
إِنَّا كَذَٰلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ المرسلات [44]
Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [44]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [45]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [45]
كُلُوا وَتَمَتَّعُوا قَلِيلًا إِنَّكُم مُّجْرِمُونَ المرسلات [46]
[O disbelievers], eat and enjoy yourselves a little; indeed, you are criminals. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [46]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [47]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [47]
وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمُ ارْكَعُوا لَا يَرْكَعُونَ المرسلات [48]
And when it is said to them, "Bow [in prayer]," they do not bow. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [48]
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ المرسلات [49]
Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [49]
فَبِأَيِّ حَدِيثٍ بَعْدَهُ يُؤْمِنُونَ المرسلات [50]
Then in what statement after the Qur'an will they believe? Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth ) [50]
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