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June 21, 2024

PVSA to NJIT and Rutgers University Chapters

PVSA to NJIT and Rutgers University Chapters

June 21, 2024

PVSA to NJIT and Rutgers University Chapters

PVSA to NJIT and Rutgers University Chapters

UMR CEO Presents Presidential Volunteer Service Awards to NJIT and Rutgers University Chapters


Newark, NJ – June 4, 2024

United Muslim Relief (UMR) CEO, Dr. Abed, met with board members of the UMR NJIT and Rutgers University chapters to honor them with the prestigious Presidential Volunteer Service Awards (PVSA). This national award is a testament to the unwavering dedication and commitment these chapters have shown in aiding the disenfranchised within their communities.

The PVSA is a highly esteemed recognition awarded to individuals and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service. The NJIT and Rutgers University chapters have exemplified the spirit of volunteerism, making significant impacts through their tireless efforts in service projects and community outreach initiatives.

During the awards ceremony, Dr. Abed expressed UMR’s profound appreciation for the chapters’ remarkable contributions. He also shared UMR’s future plans, highlighting upcoming projects and initiatives aimed at expanding the organization’s reach and impact. The enthusiastic reception from the chapter members was palpable, reflecting their pride and commitment to serving their communities through UMR.

Members of both chapters conveyed their gratitude for the opportunity to work with UMR. “Being a part of UMR has allowed us to channel our passion for service into meaningful action,” said one executive board member. “Receiving the PVSA is an honor that motivates us to continue our efforts with even greater determination.”

The event underscored the collaborative spirit and shared vision that drive UMR and its dedicated volunteers. As the organization looks ahead, it remains steadfast in its mission to provide aid and support to those in need, guided by the exemplary efforts of its volunteers.


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