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September 3, 2024

Sudan’s Cholera Outbreak: A Humanitarian Crisis and UMR’s Urgent Response


September 3, 2024

Sudan’s Cholera Outbreak: A Humanitarian Crisis and UMR’s Urgent Response


As of August 2024, Sudan is grappling with a catastrophic humanitarian crisis fueled by intense conflict and civil unrest. The war-torn nation has witnessed over 10 million people displaced from their homes, facing hunger, sickness, and disease. Amidst this chaos, a deadly cholera outbreak has further compounded the suffering of the Sudanese people, posing a significant threat to public health and survival.

The Current Situation: A Nation in Crisis

Sudan’s health sector has been severely compromised due to the ongoing conflict, leading to a dramatic rise in untreated chronic illnesses. With over 10 million people lacking access to essential medical services, the situation has escalated into a full-blown humanitarian disaster. Hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed, with many destroyed or rendered inoperable due to the fighting. The collapse of the health system has left millions vulnerable to diseases, including cholera, which thrives in such desperate conditions.

The cholera outbreak in Sudan is a stark reminder of the dire conditions faced by the population. Cholera, an acute diarrheal illness caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, spreads rapidly in areas with inadequate sanitation, unsafe drinking water, and overcrowded living conditions—conditions that are all too common in Sudan’s displaced communities.

The outbreak has already claimed lives, with thousands more at risk as the disease spreads through refugee camps, overcrowded cities, and rural areas. The situation is exacerbated by the lack of clean water, insufficient medical supplies, and a general breakdown in public health infrastructure.

UMR’s Response: Immediate Action and Long-Term Commitment

In response to this unfolding crisis, UMR (United Mission for Relief and Development) has stepped up its efforts to provide life-saving aid and support to those affected by the cholera outbreak. UMR’s presence in Sudan, backed by its partnerships with organizations in the USA, Sudan, Bahrain, Kenya, and Kuwait, is pivotal in addressing the immediate needs of the most vulnerable populations.

UMR has committed to providing 1.7 million meals to newly displaced families with malnourished children, or pregnant and lactating women. These meals are crucial for maintaining the health and strength of those who are most at risk of contracting diseases like cholera. UMR’s hot meals kitchen serves thousands of recently displaced people daily, offering a vital lifeline in these challenging times.

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Recognizing the critical need for medical intervention, UMR has been providing medical treatment to thousands of Sudanese through open medical day services. These services

include visits to internally displaced people (IDPs) in schools, government buildings, and other makeshift shelters. Understanding Cholera: A Preventable Yet Deadly Disease

Cholera is a disease that can be prevented with proper sanitation, clean water, and timely medical treatment. However, in conflict zones like Sudan, where these basic necessities are scarce, the disease can spread rapidly, leading to high mortality rates. The symptoms of cholera include severe diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration, which, if left untreated, can lead to death within hours.

The current cholera outbreak in Sudan is particularly alarming because it is occurring in the context of an already overwhelmed health system. The lack of medical supplies, clean water, and adequate sanitation facilities makes it extremely difficult to contain the outbreak and treat those who are infected.

UMR’s Role in Fighting the Cholera Outbreak

UMR is at the forefront of the battle against cholera in Sudan. The organization’s efforts are focused on three key areas:

Emergency Medical Response:

UMR will be supporting health facilities with essential supplies that can contribute to the treatment of cholera. This includes providing oral rehydration salts (ORS), intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and other necessary medical supplies to help manage and treat cholera patients effectively. These resources are crucial in ensuring that health facilities are equipped to handle outbreaks and provide timely care to those affected. Moreover, UMR is shipping 5 medical kits that will serve more than 50,000 persons in Sudan with a value of 5.5 million USD, and they are already in transit to arrive in Sudan later this month.

Community Health Education:

UMR understands that education is key to preventing the spread of cholera. The health project through community volunteers is conducting community health education campaigns to raise awareness about the disease and to teach people how to protect themselves and their families. These campaigns are being carried out in collaboration with local health workers, who are trained to identify cholera symptoms and to provide treatment and advice to those in need.

Online Donation:

Use the UMR sudan-emergency 2024 page to donate online. This method is quick, secure, and allows you to choose your donation amount.

The Importance of Global Support

While UMR is doing everything in its power to combat the cholera outbreak in Sudan, the organization cannot do it alone. The scale of the crisis requires a coordinated global response, with support from governments, international organizations, and individual donors.

UMR is calling on the global community to help fund its efforts to save lives in Sudan. Donations are urgently needed to provide medical supplies, clean water, and food to those affected by the cholera outbreak. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in the fight against this deadly disease.

How You Can Help


Your financial contribution can help provide life-saving medical treatment, clean water, and food to those in need. Donations can be made directly through UMR’s website, and all funds will go towards supporting UMR’s emergency response efforts in Sudan.

Spread the Word:

Raising awareness about the cholera outbreak in Sudan is crucial. Share information about the crisis and UMR’s response on social media, with your friends and family, and within your community. The more people who know about the situation, the more support UMR can generate.


The cholera outbreak in Sudan is a stark reminder of the devastating impact that conflict and instability can have on public health. As the situation continues to deteriorate, the need for urgent action is clear. UMR is ready to battle the cholera outbreak and to provide life-saving assistance to those in need, but they cannot do it alone. The global community must come together to support UMR’s efforts and to help save lives in Sudan.

By working together, we can make a difference in the fight against cholera and ensure that the people of Sudan receive the help they desperately need. Now is the time to act. Help us save Sudan!

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