Sudan Emergency
1,000,000 Meals for Sudan
Violent confrontations broke out in Sudan in April of 2023, leading to the displacement of almost 8 million individuals.
Since the onset of the recent clashes in April, the humanitarian situation has worsened. Approximately half of Sudan’s population, around 25 million people, require humanitarian aid and protection. Severe shortages of food, water, medicine, and fuel persist, with nearly 18 million people facing acute food insecurity.
UMR is responding to the crisis in Sudan by providing 1,000,000 meals to individuals throughout Ramadan.
By February 2024, close to 8 million people have experienced displacement. Among them, over 6 million have been displaced within Sudan itself, while more than 1.5 million have sought refuge in neighboring nations.
Sudan has also been severely impacted by extreme weather events linked to climate change, such as floods and droughts. These occurrences have adversely affected hundreds of thousands of individuals, resulting in the destruction of crops and livestock and exacerbating food insecurity.
We are relying on donors like you to help us continue our work in Sudan long after Ramadan ends.
Key Issues
This signals some optimism in the opportunity to help both local host and refugee communities re-engage in trade and overcome hardship in the foreseeable future.
UMR's Advancement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Sudan
Sustainable Development Goals
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