The importance of clean and safe water in rural areas cannot be emphasized. Having access to clean water ensures that families avoid water-borne illnesses, can keep up with hygiene, and the overall public health of a community is strengthened.
UMR Kenya has been working for years bringing shallow wells and boreholes to areas in need.
In September 2019, UMR completed the construction of 4 water wells in Garissa County, Kenya. Prior to this construction, women and children had to walk for miles, oftentimes though unsafe areas, to reach water that was not even clean.
In Wajir County, Kenya is a water-deficient county with no perennial rivers. Only 7% of residents use improved sanitation. In February 2020, UMR completed the construction of 2 shallow water wells in two villages in Kenya. Now that construction is complete, approximately 300 families will benefit from the clean water brought from the wells. Of these households, 6 families have orphans and 13 families have persons living with disabilities.