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UMR believes that Education is one of the most essential tools for growth in a child’s life.

Education is more than just a fundamental right; it helps pave the way to a successful and productive future. Thousands of children are waiting for your donation.

Every child deserves

an education

UMR’s Education and Livelihood focuses on refugee socioeconomic integration into destination countries, through language training, income-generating vocational training, and psychosocial support; all of which are aimed at helping destabilized and impoverished households achieve socioeconomic self-reliance.
Part of UMR’s mission is to give children all over the world the opportunity for a better future. We believe that through food security, education, psycho-social support, and a strong community, vulnerable children have a better chance at THRIVING as they grow up


Every child deserves an education, but many aren't even given the option. With education comes the hope for a better future, for not only the child but for their family as well.

We aim to keep #hope alive

By providing children with backpacks filled with school supplies, they have a better chance at staying in school and out of child labor.

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