UMR’s Immediate Response to False Accusations

May 3, 2023, Washington, DC

Many of our loyal UMR supporters have raised concerns about the social media posts of Tony Lamar Brice/Tone Abdul Trump regarding the defamation, false accusations, and threatening behavior towards UMR and its staff. UMR can categorically state that the postings are false and UMR has the records and documentation to prove that the allegations in the postings are malicious and otherwise untrue.

UMR has reached out to Mr. Tony Lamar Brice requested that he justify and provide evidence to support his accusations. We have also offered to address any grievances he may have or retract his false statements and apologize for his unacceptable behavior.

UMR is a reputable organization that operates in various parts of the world, administering valuable programs such as providing clean water, healthcare, education, and relief aid during emergencies. One of our most successful programs is in Kenya, where we established a unique initiative called “Adopt a Village,” which provides water, builds schools, and supports local hospitals and clinics.

We maintain complete transparency and accountability by publishing all of our financial records on our website for anyone to review. We conduct independent annual audits that are thorough and transparent. We intend to make all financial records regarding our activities in Kenya available to anyone who wishes to see them.

We want to make it clear that humanitarian organizations in the United States undergo rigorous oversight to ensure that their activities are lawful and transparent. We will pursue legal action against Tony Brice unless he can provide evidence to support his accusations, retract his false statements, and apologize to UMR, its CEO, and staff.

To Mr. Tony Lamar Brice:

We publicly disclose our financial records every year, and we are willing to review any specific allegations or concerns that you may have. We have spent over $2 million in Wajir county, Kenya, over the last five years, covering a wide range of programs such as cataract operations, hearing aids, orphans support, feeding centers, and drought relief aid. We have also provided over $1 million in in-kind donations, including medical equipment and medicines. If you can not provide us with any evidence, we expect you to retract your statements publicly online and issue a public apology for the false stories you are spreading.


financial and annual reports

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