Middle East Winterzation


Funding shortfalls continue to threaten hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees in Jordan. According to UNHCR, Jordan alone has more than 600,000 registered Syrian refugees spread in five camps. Even though Syrian refugee families receive $218 monthly from UNHCR, but it is still not enough to cover their expenses.

Therefore, UMR continues its annual winterization campaign to support Syrian refugees who live under the poverty line and will not be able to meet the cost of living in winter, which is very harsh and costly. UMR will provide families with supplies that vary between a $100 food pack, $150 winter kit, that includes blankets, warm clothing, and fuel to power their heater, $300 fuel voucher, and $550 complete winter package.

Last year UMR’s Winterization campaign supported 1000 vulnerable and needy families from Az-Zarqa Governorate, Mafraq Governorate, Amman, Jerash, and Ajloun areas by providing food packages and non-food items including nominal cash assistance to buy fuel gas. The contents of food packages included rice, sugar, tea bags, tuna-fish cans, tomato cans, cooking oil, salt, and beans.


Since the Syrian war began in 2011, millions of refugees have fled to neighboring countries including Lebanon, which currently hosts the highest number of refugees per capita. This stunning influx of people has strained the country’s resources, leaving many Syrian refugees and Lebanese citizens struggling to survive.

Winter storms threaten the makeshift shelter sites and informal camp settlements that span across the country. With harsh rains, flooding, snow, and freezing temperatures and no proper shelter or financial means to protect themselves, refugees often must evacuate to other sites or scramble to find warm shelter.

Last winter, a group of Syrian refugees attempting to seek refuge in Lebanon were caught in a deadly storm, killing 16 women, men, and children.

By providing winter kits that include a $100 food pack, $150 winter kit, $300 fuel voucher, and $550 complete winter package, UMR’s Winterization campaign hopes to bring some relief this season.


The World Food Program indicated that around 32.7% or 1.6 million Palestinians are food insecure. It is the worse in Gaza Strip, where about 68.5% of its population are food insecure. Additionally, 7.4% of the Palestinian children between 6-59 months suffer from chronic malnutrition.

UMR is very much aware of such harsh circumstances Palestinians face in winter continues its annual winterization campaign to support those who live under the poverty line. UMR will provide families with supplies that vary between $100 food pack, $150 winter kit, $300 fuel voucher, and $550 complete winter package.


Yemen faces the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, with 80% of its population, needs humanitarian assistance. According to the World Food Program (WFP), 15.9 million in Yemen wake up in the morning hungry every day, and some 2.6 million pregnant and nursing women and children under 5 need support to prevent or cure malnutrition. Save the Children reported that 85,000 of children under the age of 5 died due to hunger and diseases since the outbreak of the civil war in the country.

This year UMR added Yemen to its annual winterization campaign, which will help to elevate the humanitarian crisis in the country. UMR will provide families with supplies that vary between $100 food pack, $150 winter kit, $300 fuel voucher, and $550 complete winter package.

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