Best Charity to Donate to for Refugees

When making a meaningful difference in the community, it becomes necessary to understand the authenticity of the charitable cause and the organization. Millions of people worldwide suffer from poverty, hunger, malnutrition, water scarcity, winter adversity due to war conflict and chaos. Thus, picking the best charity to donate to for refugees can be overwhelming. 

So in this world where millions of people are crying for help, it’s important to understand where we give and how we give. At the end of the day, an effective charitable contribution that reaches out to the poorest people in developing countries can save and improve lives. 

Choosing a cause and evaluating funds and charities is a time-consuming task. Moreover, many donors aren’t always available due to tight schedules. So UMR has listed the 10 best trustworthy charity organizations that help refugees around the world to get back to a safe life.  

10 Best Charity Organizations: Making Humanitarian Difference Globally 

Several organizations around the world recognize the sufferings of refugees and provide humanitarian support to ease their pain. If you are thinking of making charitable donations, take a look at some of the leading charities for refugees in the world.   


United Mission Relief (UMR) is a dedicated non-profit organization that provides humanitarian aid in various countries worldwide. The organization is focused on building humanitarian coalitions to tackle developmental needs. By building capacity against resilience, UMR empowers marginalized and underserved communities in the U.S. and internationally across the globe. Over the years, we have catered to 683K+ beneficiaries and 40+ projects, with $36.7M+ in services. Their humanitarian causes cover health, food security, orphan protection, education, wash, livelihood, and economic empowerment. Seasonal programs such as water well construction and food distribution are also some of their prime programs to build resilience.


The UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is concerned with protecting the rights of refugees around the world in order to build a secure future for them. Since 1950, the organization has provided significant assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced, and stateless people. The organization provides protection, shelter, health, and education as humanitarian aid. UNHCR celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2020. They have helped over 50 million refugees to return to their regular lives. 


CARE is a humanitarian organization that works globally to save endangered lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. The organization has expanded humanitarian aid in 111 countries, reaching more than 174 million people through 1,600 international projects. CARE cares about overcoming poverty by ensuring equal opportunities. 

Save the Children

Save the Children is a globally recognized humanitarian organization that protects children around the world against violence, poverty, disease, and hunger. With 25,000 dedicated staff, the organization has responded to emergency crises in 118 countries. Accelerating towards progress, Save the Children aims to create a world by 2030 where all children have equal access to education along with protection against violence and untimely death. 


Oxfam International is a global humanitarian organization committed to fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. The organization ensures human rights to a diverse community. 

Direct Relief

Direct relief is a US-based humanitarian organization that expands access to medicine and healthcare internationally. Proficient doctors and nurses provide necessary lifesaving medical resources in 80+ countries across 50 U.S. states. Direct Relief appoints health professionals in resource-poor communities during natural disasters to meet medical emergencies. 

International Rescue Committee 

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a refugee charity organization that responds to the world’s severe humanitarian crises. Health, safety, education, economic well-being, and power are some major concerns the organization helps to restore. Over the years, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has reached out to 40 countries and 28 cities in the USA.   

Doctors without borders 

Doctors without borders deliver medical aid to the vulnerable ones in crisis. The organization is guided by the humanitarian principles of medical ethics, transparency, accountability, and equity. Victims of destructive war/conflict, natural disasters, epidemics/pandemics, and displaced refugees are saved with humanitarian emergency aid. Expert team of doctors, nurses, logisticians, and other staff are often among the first on the scene—sometimes arriving in a matter of minutes. Till now, Doctors without borders has expanded its humanitarian support in more than 70 countries. 

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) has offered welcome and hope to more than half a million refugees. Over 80 years, LIRS has saved and transformed millions of lives of refugees around the world. The organization advocates for migrants and refugees through ministries of service and justice.


RefugePoint is one of the most renowned refugee relief organizations  that identify endangered refugees. Founded in 2005, the organization saves refugees in marginalized groups or urban areas. Moreover, it built a unique resettlement program that now partners with the UN Refugee Agency in 30 countries across the globe. RefugePoint creates long-term solutions for refugees in need. 

So, these are some of the best charities to donate to for refugees in the world. Make a meaningful impact in someone’s life with gestures of kindness and compassion.

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